About Us
Unique Quality: raw materials and production processes of care in every detail
Unique Quality
Founded in 1997, Chromma specializes in manufacturing office furniture with high quality standards and unique design. Its on-demand production associates industrial technology with artisanal detailing and enables the development of certified and customized products according to customers’ needs. Socio-environmental care is also part of the Chromma brand, which has only nationally and internationally certified materials for the manufacture of its products, discards and appropriate recycling. The exquisite quality control in every stage of the production process ensures the durability of the products, all with a five-year warranty. Located in Sumaré-SP, among the main highways in Brazil, Chromma serves office projects, companies and auditoriums throughout the country and also in Mercosur.


The secret of our success?
Quality control and team workKnow our product line
Products with exclusive design and high quality standard.

Unique quality and exclusive design: Since 1997 Chromma has been producing corporate furniture with industrial technology and handcrafted detailing.
+55 19 3114-9400
Estrada Municipal Mineko Ito, 4305
Nova Veneza – Sumaré – SP
Caixa Postal 10